Microsoft Visual C++, the standard program with which to write applications for Windows, along with Microsoft Visual Basic. While there are other good products available (compilers from Borland and Metrowerks, for example.) MSVC has the advantage probably because it's from Microsoft for an OS by Microsoft (I wonder why the Department of Justice wants to break up Microsoft?)

You want to program for Windows and would like to know what to get? I suggest VC++ over Visual Basic because C++ is a much more powerful language. Basic is an easier language though.

Maybe someone with more experience with some of the other compilers and development environments could compare them to the Microsoft Products to help beginners pick something.

A great FAQ on this subject can be found at

Be forewarned that Visual C++ is not fully ANSI compliant (Yes, I know it says that it is on the box. Don't believe everything you read. No, not even this.)