Genghis Khan- King of Kings

Genghis Khan was born in 1162 to the Mongol warrior and tribe-leader Yesugei the Brave, under the name Temujin. In 1171, at the age of 10, Temujin’s father, Yesugei was poisoned to death by a rival tribe, the The Merkit Mongols. This put Temujin in control of the Yakka Mongols. When this happened, his tribesman deserted him. This left him digging roots for food and owning only seven sheep. Then a stroke of luck found him.

By some random twist of fate, Temujin found himself engaged to a young woman named Bortei, in 1175. Then in 1177 Temujin and his brother killed their half-brother for spying for the Tanguts, a neighboring tribe. The Tanguts retaliated by capturing Temujin in 1179, however Temujin escaped 2 days before his execution and returned to his tribe, where he married Bortei. The next year, however, the Merkit tribe raided his camp, and in the confusion Temujin abandoned Bortei. 2 months later, though he led an expedition to save her and was successful.

Over the years of 1181-1183 Temujin fought many victorious and glorious battles, often against near impossible odds. This earned him the name Genghis (which is pronounced Chingis) Khan. The translation is Invincible Ruler. During this same time period Genghis decided that he wished to “expand” to the west. This was to conquer the three main empires that China consisted of; The Xi Xia, The Qin, and The Na-Chung.

In 1201 Genghis defeated Jamuga’s army, which consisted of 50 men and half of the Xi Xia’s army. Then two years later he defeated Togrul’s army, which was the other half of Xi Xia’s army. Finally in 1204 Genghis Khan was moving his “conquerors eye” upon the Qin Empire.

On his conquest to the Qin, Genghis Khan was met by the Naimans. The Naimans were a small group of mercenaries, defending the Qin. They proved to be little challenge. Then in the year 1206 Genghis Khan was named Khan of Khan’s (ruler of rulers) for/in China and Mongolia. In 1209 the Empire of the Xi Xia regrouped, though it was not nearly of the same strength and as such was easy for Genghis Khan. In 1211 Genghis finally “started a war” with the Qin Empire. To do this, however he had to break through the Great Wall of China. This took him two months, but he was successful. In 1215 Genghis finally conquered the capitol of the Qin Empire, Beijing, by destroying the Capitol Building.

In 1217 Genghis beheaded the ruler of the Qin, Guchluk. By doing this Genghis Khan took control of the Qin Empire. Later that year, though, Muhammad who ruled the Khwarazmain Mongols broke a treaty by killing a Mongol Ambassador. Genghis followed in the like, by killing Muhammad two days later.

In 1218 Genghis rode to the Empire of the Na-Chung hoping to attack and conquer. After four years of fighting Genghis and his hordes did succeed. Finally he finished it in 1226 by riding to stop an attempted rebellion by the united Qin and Na-Chung. Genghis did so, but fell off of his horse on the return home, and was severely injured. On the 21st of August, 1227, Genghis Khan, Invincible Ruler, and Ruler of Rulers died.

I'm sorry about the mismatch of information between my w/u and the others in this node. My information showed what I said above, and theirs said what they showed- so both are correct as far as we can see! : >)



  • I co-wrote this with LerrisofRecluse. Myself and others felt that this should be mentioned. : )