Victoria Davey Spelling was born to Aaron Spelling and his wife, Candy, on May 16, 1973. She would later be nicknamed Tori, supposedly at the suggestion of Barbara Stanwyck. Tori Spelling attended The Westlake School for Girls in Bel Air, California. She is often ridiculed for being cast in roles because of her famous father. There is no denying that his influence and money couldn't possibly hurt the young lady's career. Tori began acting at the age of five, at about the same time that her Hollywood magnate father's shows were practically ruling the ABC network. Although Tori has been cast in many of her dad's productions since she was a child, She is probably best known to most for her role as Donna Martin on Beverly Hills 90210, the teen drama series that ran weekly on the Fox network from October of 1990 until May of 2000. Tori's character was one of a few that stayed on the show for its entire run. She is currently the International Spokesperson for the Starlight Children's Foundation, an organization dedicated to brightening the lives of seriously ill children. Starlight helps to restore some of the joy and laughter that a serious illness takes away from kids and those who love them.
