Lord Brawl mentions doing research, but if you're extremely keen on getting a job with a particular company, you should go all-out finding information about that company. During your interview, you can drop little bits of information to demonstrate your resourcefulness and initiative.

As an example, Company X has just posted a press release concerning these items:

  1. The company has won the Gee-Whiz Happy Employee Award.
  2. The company has just contracted with Giant Brain Training Systems to provide training for new products.
  3. The company has just won a $350Million contract to install a new networking system for the Internal Revenue Service.

When the subject of training comes up, you can talk about your previous training and how excited you are that they're working with Giant Brains for their training system.

Note that the company winning the Gee-Whiz Happy Employee Award was a factor in applying for a job.

Assuming you're a tech, customize your resume and tailor your technical responses towards fitting in with the new contract.

Research is vital for getting remembered. HR folks will note that you've done your homework, and by tailoring yourself towards what they're looking for, you have an edge over folks just dropping in and giving the generic job interview.