In the movie series The Matrix, the Nebuchadnezzar was a hovercraft used by the humans to combat the machine world.

The Nebuchadnezzar was built in the United States in the year 2069, according to the metal plate shown in the first movie. It is a Mark III version and was the eleventh unit to be constructed and brought into service.

The captain, Morpheus, and his crew (Apoc, Switch, Mouse, Trinity, Cypher, Dozer, and Tank) used the ship to search the Matrix for Neo, or the one who would be able to control the Matrix from within and allow the humans to survive.

The ship is beat up, well used, and is leaking grease all over the place. It reminded me of the old Perry-class guided missile frigates I used to ride around on with my helicopters back in my U.S. Navy days. Huge electromagnetic pads allowed the ship to hover and maneuver throughout the underground tunnels and, in the last movie of the series, through the air as Neo and Trinity traveled to the Machine City. For defense, the Nebuchadnezzar had multiple machine guns and an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would destroy any machines in its blast radius. To use it the humans had to power down the ship to prevent destroying it. 

In the last movie, the Nebuchadnezzar was lost when it crashed after breaching the Machine City.