If you encounter someone with 1% tattooed on their arm, you should be very nice to them.

Back in the late 60's, a prominent politician said, "Most motorcycle riders are responsible, it's that one percent that makes all the trouble." (Paraphrased)

Ever since then, bad-assed motorcyclists from indies to Hell's Angels had that inked on their bicep. If you had it on your arm, you were expected to fight at the drop of a hat. A friend of mine in the US Navy had this put on his arm. He was shocked that I knew what it was, and he got into fights on many occasions because of the ink. Good thing he was a paramedic!

He moved back to Louisiana, and the last I heard he was engaged to a motorcycle mama and gets into fights every weekend. So, unless you're itching for a fight with someone with a lot of experience, don't insult a One Percenter.