The assassin crept through the darkened halls of the palace. The alarms were meant to keep the anarchists and usurpers of power from breaching the walls, so none were installed on the interior doors and passageways.

At one point, a guard dog alerted and ran over to inspect the moving shadow. It sniffed around the stocking-clad feet and then wandered off to see if it could locate the obnoxious cat. Just as the shadow began to move again, the dog's master strode into the room. He stared directly at the human shape that froze into a statue, smiled, and headed off towards the hissing sounds and the occasional bark.

Exhaling loudly, the assassin continued to the bedroom of the dictator that ruled with a bloody iron fist. To prevent the hinges from squeaking, the portal opened just enough to allow the thin body to slip through.

Surprised to feel tears welling up, the assassin withdrew a steel and glass syringe from a leather pouch. The needle slipped in and the last rattling breath slipped out.

"I’m sorry, Daddy," she said. "It’s time for a revolution."

Still clutching her teddy bear, the assassin crept back to her bedroom to await a better world.

Brevity Quest 2017