Erg. My back and shoulders are still sore from the gym, so I decided to skip working out yesterday. It didn't help. Like I mentioned in My Company Likes Me, my company asked me to return next summer so I'm feeling pretty good about myself today. I think I'll celebrate by not doing any work and just noding. Wait, that's every other day too...

Went to the dentist yesterday. I love this dentist. I'm in and out of the dentist's chair in ten minutes flat. No cavities, although he thinks I might be grinding my teeth because of stress. I must be doing it in my sleep, because I don't remember ever doing it...

Had to go through the rigamole of changing half my work passwords today, so I've got another ten minutes before the system will synchronize itself and let me log back into the development servers anyway.

Watched about two innings of the All-Star Game yesterday, before I realized that I really just didn't care about it at all this year.

I can't wait to go to Las Vegas...must...reach...August 7th...

Update, 1:06 PM: Oh my god! Someone on my team actually called me on the telephone and asked me a question about some code I'd written! I feel productive and important!!!