I sent this out far-and-wide a few days ago by email. If you didn't get it, it means I don't have your email address. (*ahem* hint hint)

Hi... um, Everybody:

As many of you know, I try to broadcast out an email a couple times a year, just to stay in-touch with all the folks out there who may be wondering where and how I've been.

This one's a few months late, because I've been waiting until I had both a steady job and a permanent address to tell you. I'm happy to say that I now have both.

The job: For the past 6 weeks or so, I've been milling flour part-time for the Fairhaven Organic Flour Mill, here in Bellingham. It's a small-time operation-- besides the owner & his wife, I'm currently the mill's only employee-- but the mill's been a part of this community for 30+ years now. It's an enjoyable job, and the fair wage will pay the bills (though, at the moment, money is still pretty tight.)

The address: 1444 Franklin Street, Bellingham WA 98225. Yep, my other big news of the weekend is that I've finally found a new place to live. Along w/ my new housemates Galen and Taylor, I'll be renting a 3-bedroom house in the York neighborhood of Bellingham, close to downtown. The place is a little funky right now and needs some redecorating, but I like the roommates and the nice location. I think we'll get along fine.

Again, the new postal address is...

Mike Kelley
1444 Franklin St
Bellingham, WA 98225

Feel free to send me things, I love getting real mail.

The rest of my contacts remain unchanged...

phone: 248-820-9989
email: mwkelley@gmail.com
website: http://beyondmetamora.net

Photos from this summer and fall are now up on Flickr:


I wish I could make this letter a lot longer and a little more eloquent. There's a stack of other things I could blab about; but I promised myself I'd get this sent out tonight, and I don't have the energy right now to ramble on.

Hope all is well, wherever this finds you.

-- Michael Kelley