The only ones willing to stand up and help protect the freedom of the many from the tyranny of the few. Patriots, willing to shed their own blood in service of the ungrateful.

A soldier is any person who has entered into service with a nation to provide violence for the resolution of politics, upon the failure of diplomacy.

One who lays down their own life in favor of protecting an ideal that they believe is greater than any one individual.

A highly skilled and well trained member of a team dedicated to inflicting the most amount of damage with the least amount of loss.

A soldier is the very back bone of any nation. During peacetime they are often neglected and resented, yet in war they are crucial.

There are those that would suggest that soldiers are responsible for warfare by their very presence. There is no nation upon this earth that stands without the assistance of a military and the threat of violence.

All your life you've been told that violence doesn't solve problems, and you probably believe that the role of the soldier is limited in this new and enlightened millennia. I can't say it any better than Jean Rasczak.

"Naked force has settled more issues in history than any other factor. The contrary opinion 'violence never solves anything' is wishful thinking at its worst. People who forget that always pay... They pay with their lives and their freedom."