Não Chora Menina is the eleventh track of Final Fantasy Pray, one of two albums of vocal arrangements of the music of the Final Fantasy series (see also: Final Fantasy: Love Will Grow). This arrangement of Kids Run Through the City Corner from Final Fantasy VI features a beautiful, thick classical guitar part which perfectly complements the vocals of the elegant and talented Risa Ohki. Of course, it makes a lot more sense in Portuguese- the English version is a little bit awkward, but that's to be expected. The original Portuguese lyrics and my English translation follow.

Não chora, menina, não chora mais
Um dia você vai saber
Na vida existe sempre a razão
E mesmo a tristeza tem valor

O que fez as lágrimas no seu rosto
É o carinho do seu coração
E a menina que sabe o que é o carinho
Vai ser mais linda, linda mulher

Uma estrela aparaceu
Sorrindo pra você, menina
E a menina que sabe o que é o carinho
Vai ser mais linda, linda mulher

Cry no more, little girl, cry no more
One day, you will know
In life, there exists always a purpose
And even sadness has some value

That which puts tears on your face
Is the kindness of your very heart
And the girl who knows this what this kindness is
Shall be a most lovely, lovely woman

A star appears
Smiling for you, little girl
And the girl who knows what this kindness is
Shall be a most lovely, lovely woman