14th song on Tori Amos' album Scarlet's Walk, followed by Another Girl's Paradise

In Chicago, Scarlet parts ways with Mrs. Jesus, and continues her odyssey of friendship. She is told an old friend of hers has died and goes to his former place of residence in New Orleans. Desiring to be alone, she takes a cab. It's a long, long taxi ride.

Lily is dancing
on the table

we've all been Pushed
too far today

This song has two parallel stories. One belongs to Scarlet, the other to Tori Amos herself. Each of them has lost a gay friend. In Scarlet's case, she arrives after the funeral. Tori Amos was present at her friend's side. His name was Kevyn Aucoin, and he was a make-up artist.

Taxi Ride is in fact a reworking of Just Another Dead Fag, a song that didn't have to be finished. That song was written for yet another friend of Tori's, who was on his deathbed but got better.

I guess on days
like this
you know who your
friends are

The bottom line of the song appears to be about how some deaths are less mourned than others. How fundamentalists are saying that someone brought AIDS upon themselves, or how some ultra-patriots claim it's worth it to kill a hundred wogs to save the life of one American.

Just another Dead Fag
to you that's all
Just another Light missing
in a long Taxi line

Despite its somber philosophy, this piece is actually quite funky. It reminds me of Glory of the 80's, and hopefully not just because they both mention taxis.