A Lovely Day

Parts: Sunshine, Modernist

(Modernist enters, blinking as if it is a bright day)

Modernist: Ach, the sun is hurting my eyes! Daylight is such an outmoded concept!

(Sunshine enters, with a sword)

Sunshine: I beg to differ, dear friend. Today is a lovely day, perfect for a quarrel! Tell me, have you offended the honor of any ladies, perchance?

Modernist: (scoffs) Oh, a fight during daylight? What an outmoded concept! Nobody fights during the day anymore! All the good fights happen at night, with precision bombing and such.

Sunshine: Well, we need a well-lit day if we are to quarrel with swords.

Modernist: Fight with swords! What an outmoded concept! Nobody fights with swords anymore.

Sunshine: Well, it's not very honorable otherwise. Where's the honor in killing a man if you're not fighting fairly?

Modernist: Oh, honor! What an outmoded concept! Nobody fights fair anymore!

Sunshine: Hmmm, I hadn't considered that. You may have... a point. En garde!

(Sunshine stabs Modernist, he falls to the ground dying.)

Modernist: Oh, death! What an outmoded concept!