There is good rap music, that is not what follows. This is the transcript of a response to a request from mkb for audio samples. If I start writing Rosin-core Rap, blame OM though.

Yo dude
Sc0ut here
I feel pretty welcome
Here on E2
I like hangin' round
With people like you
I just be'n lurkin'
I'd hang on IRC
Wasn't till OldMiner
Made me to see
I was called to be a noder
Now I'm proud as can be
We'll write to make the world
A better place
It don't matter
If we got no face
We come from all
Aroun' the world
We don' care
If you boy or girl
With the friendly folk
You can make a joke
Or drink a Coke
But we're always open
For serious business
So, hey y'all
Welcome to E2