I've had a bad tendency through my short life to only change when instructed. I have to get yelled at to get shit done. I had be ordered to stop sleeping in class. I had to told to learn to drive. Everything's been forced for me. Today was no different. My dad, a man on blood pressure meds, had his prescription halved. He's been losing weight, and though I haven't checked in months, I know I've gained.

The Houston-OKC game was on, I'd mentioned his medicine to him and he said, "Yeah, they halved my prescription. You know, I love you to death, but you've gotta shed some of that weight or you'll be having problems like this too." I just said yeah and my mind was racing. Excuses flooded in. Well, I was waiting for us to get a gym subscription again was the main one. I'd been putting off exercise for a long time, always losing focus quickly. I refuse to let that happen.

From here, I'm running. Every week. Every day. Sick, well, or half-dead, I'm putting shoes to asphalt. Once I've lost some weight, I'm in the gym. My arms are already halfway to muscled and my legs never stopped being strong. I'm breaking more than one habit here. I may have to be told to do it, but I'll be damned if I have to be told twice. Just another flaw. Baby steps I suppose. Told over and over to told once to never being told. They say form follows function, and I'm feeling like testing a theory.