Fast Car Magazine is an UK-based woodpulp publication that has been in circulation since the mid-1980s. Up until recently, the magazine was published by Highbury Leisure, but it - and a series of other publication - was bought up by Future Publishing in mid-2005.

Fast Car Magazine is known as FC or FUK (Fastcar United Kingdom) among friends. It started off as a performance car magazine, but has been through several significant re-vamps and is currently aimed at readers interested in modified cars. These are generally nominally cheap vehicles that have been modified with body kits, performance modifications and ICE (in-car entertainment) systems. The modified car scene is arguably connected to chav culture, but this is normally not directly reflected in the magazine.

As part of the modified car culture, Fast Car magazine is a lads' mag: It features highly modified vehicles, but is also taking a line involving a lot of lifestyle features, and will generally include up to three "honeyz" - scantily clad models for titilation purposes.

Quite unusual in the magazine-publishing world, Fast Car's tone is very conversational. Fast Car staff are often featured in the magazine themselves, and much of the copy is interjected with comments made by the editor or other members of FC staff. The conversational tone and self-ironic image means that Fast Car is a refreshing read compared to many more 'serious' publications.

The magazine has taken an active role in the modified car culture, by participating, sponsoring and covering events.

Fast Car's main UK competitors are Max Power and Redline. Circulation-wise, the Audited Bureau of Circulation (ABC) reports that Fast Car sells 100,000 copies of its magazine every month - including a not insignificant international circulation. Historically, Fast Car has sold fewer copies of their magazine than Max Power, but in recent months, Max Power's sales have plummeted. While Fast Car have also seen a slight decline in sales, they have been able to hold on to more readers than their competition.

The magazine is operating a mighty fine web-site, available on

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