Pseudonym of Christian author Ruth Bailey, a physician who had her license revoked in the state of Indiana in the early 80s after exhibiting erratic behavior.

Brown travelled to Los Angeles after her disgrace and began a ministry to deliever witches and warlocks from the sizzling hand of Satan (with the help of fellow zealot Jack T. Chick. She believes that all of the world's evils are caused by unbroken demonic curses which can reside in everyday things such as tattoos (Satanic ink) and hairstyles. Brown is best known in the Christian community for her books "Prepare for War" and "He Came to Set the Captives Free" in which she details rescuing a former "Bride of Satan" (a woman called Elaine) from her master's evil clutches.

In a book that reads like a Jackie Collins novel on crack, Brown describes in vivid detail her fight against werewolves, "sunshine" Christians, and her first encounters with a plethora of hardcore Satanists who, try as they might, could not kill her because:

a. Jesus was on her side and would regularly warn her (in person) about devilish plots
b. Jesus provided her with an army of hunky blonde angels
c. Her medical expertise kept her from being effectively poisoned or mortally wounded

Elaine, one of Satan's five American brides, also recounts her years with Satan Inc. One can read about their beautiful wedding (in a Presbyterian church of all places), the rough sex on their honeymoon (Satan left her bloodied and bruised--jerk), the countless demons that Satan placed inside her, and the ins and outs of being "Satan’s representative" to the world. Elaine negotiated weapon sales with foreign heads of state and signed many heavy metal bands to detailed contracts with the Underlord.

The book has sold nearly 100,000 copies to born-again types who apparently believe every word of her tale. In the late 80s Brown split with Jack T. Chick and the devil whore and married writer Daniel Michael Yoder, a Jew for Jesus who (claims he) endured years of Satanic ritual abuse at the hands of evil rabbis. Yoder spent some time in jail for fraud and forging legal documents.

He Came to Set the Captives Free by Rebecca Brown MD