I love my Uncle Randy and my Daddy and my Mommy in heaven and my Lello and my Grammy's french toast. I don't like Mondays because Daddy says they're Cursive.

Daddy told me if it got loud at night I should go to the special shed in the back because that's where I should go and that I should stop asking questions and just do what he told me to because he's my Daddy and I knows what's I'm talking about and why couldn't you do this one thing just this once for me because it's really not that much to ask and please trust me.

Uncle Randy said Leave the kid alone and nothing's gonna happen anyway and you're such a goddamned relic and are we outta beer already.

Uncle Randy doesn't say Cursive like Daddy. Daddy says he's Not A Polite Man. .

And later the sun came out AT NIGHT! and the windows shook and I went to hide under the bed but I Know What's I'm Talking About and Please Trust Me so I ran out with my Lello and my fuzzy shoes and went in and waited for Daddy to open the door.

Wordmonders' Masque, 1