...Especially when the good old Americans are there to prevent those dirty Communists from doing it.

According to several tabloid magazines of the last decade, the Communists in China have tried on several accounts to destroy the world by knocking the Earth out of its orbit. In the 1960's, 3 million Communists jumped simultaneously in China on the idea that the force of 3 million people hitting the Earth would knock us out of orbit. Fortunately, the Americans foiled their plan; 3 million Americans also jumped at the same time as the Chinese, thus nullifying the original Communist action. Apparently the Chinese have tried this same technique twice since, each time stopped by the heroic Americans.

Unfortunately for Star, however, the laws of physics get in the way of the story. The normal force of the earth against the Communist impact(by definition equal to the force of the people) would nullify the effect of the jump on its own.