Philip Larkin is also a major character in 'Knights Of The Morningstar', a book in the Quantum Leap series, based on the highly successful television show (Donald P. Bellisario) dealing with Dr. Samuel Beckett being lost in the past and bouncing from body to body and time to time, fixing whatever went wrong in their lives.

The book details how Dr Beckett 'leaped' into Philip Larkin, a particle physicist who wanted to be a writer of historical fiction, and get the girl (his publisher).

The main point which distinguishes Larkin from the other people which Beckett 'leaped' into, is that Larkin had a direct effect on Project Quantum Leap, with his invention of the 'Larkin Capacitor', an electronic component which resembled in some form a golden Morning Star.

The book which Larkin makes his appearance in is also distinguished from the others by the presence of Alia, the 'dark' Leaper who is Dr. Beckett's Enemy. Written by Melanie Rawn, pub. 1994 by Boxtree Limited.