Many may not be familiar with Utah liquor laws but the only beer in the state is 3.1 beer or less. That means that only 3.1% of the liquid is alcohol by volume. This is also known as Utah beer, "the shitty stuff," Utah swill, or other such names.

There is a way to get real beer (4-5%) in Utah that does not involve driving to Wyoming or Nevada.
Ready for the catch? You have to have a Military ID. (WARNING: DO NOT TRY TO FAKE A MILITARY ID you can't and will end up being detained by the MPs)
To get real beer in Utah, simply find someone who is in ROTC, the Army Navy or Air Force Reserves, retired military, or the dependant of military personnel. These people all carry Military IDs, which you will need (along with the owner) to get into Hill Air Force Base.

From Salt Lake City, get on I-15 and head north until you get to Hill Air Force Base. If you hit Idaho you have gone too far. Now get your new friend to show his/her ID at the gate so the Sentry will allow you to enter the base. DO NOT SPEED! MPs are very picky about this, I have seen people get tickets for doing 2 mph over the limit.

Locate the Class Six, this is the Base liquor store. Here is the oasis of booze in a desert of watered down beer. Buy many many cases. You drove this far so stock up, after all you are not paying sales tax (another bonus). Your new freind will have to show his/her ID again when paying for your hoard.

Load down your U-Haul truck and drive home.
