Note:Yes, I know it has been noded before, however, I thought that this was a simpler explanation of the Theory of Relativity, you know, for those of us who are not physicists in our spare time. The title of the nodeshell is going to be changed to "Theory of Relativity for Dummies." Yes, I know it's a simplified example, but this is the way it was presented at the lecture I attended. If you have a gripe with the information wait until I get the name of the speaker and then track him down. Dont' shoot the messenger!

Actually one must combine a number of different theories on the structure of the Universe:

First of all, one must envision the universe as a raisin cake. Hey before you dismiss me as crazy hear me out... Ok, when you pour the batter, assume that all the raisins are spaced exactly one centimeter apart on all three axis (X,Y, and Z). In two dimensions it looks something like this:
Now each raisin (*) represents a star system, planet, universe or whatever. Ok, so now as the universe expands (the cake rises) the raisins get farther apart, for the sake of demonstration we will say that the cake doubles in size. So now instead of one centimeter between raisins we have two centimeters.
As you can see the distance from the point on the left (where you are) and the point on the right increases four centimeters. One centimeter more between each equally spaced mass.

So what?
So, if you get far enough away, the universe will be expanding away from you at the speed of light. In essence the universe has an event horizon, beyond which we cannot see. The light producing bodies move away as fast as light moves towards us. In essence they leave a "trail" of light starting from the origin of their course.

So what is beyond the universal event horizon?
We don't know, it's all theoretical. However, since the actual coordinate of the event horizon is relative to your position, it is conceivable that beyond the event horizon are more heavenly bodies. So if there are more masses beyond the event horizon which is defined by a mass traveling at the speed of light, then the masses beyond which would be traveling faster than the speed of light.

We don't need to invent Faster Than Light Travel, depending on where you stand in the universe, we are already traveling faster than light.

Sources: actually I don't remember the guy's name, but I will find out. I went to his lecture and my cousin, who also attended, bought his book. When I get his name from my cousin I will post it here. Of course all this is after it has rattled around in my head for a few months.