Wow. Back to everything after a long absence, and so much has changed, and so much has stayed the same. I am also Stoned Again; and, How I Managed It. Though it occurs to me that mentioning this here is tantamount to putting it in stone, with my name in the real world written underneath. That is, not Private.

Just watched Enemy of the State again: I was ten seconds into it before I realized I've seen it before. At the vid store, the cover triggered a mental note:
that's the film I've been meaning to see.
Unfortunately, it was an old mental note that should have been garbage-collected.

The movie was good again a second time. Then again I enjoyed the film "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson the other night: I seem to have the knack lately of overlooking atrocious flaws in plot, script and mindset of movies lately, and enjoying them even when they reek.