Rage Against the Machine rock. Not only does their music rock, but so do their political views. The band consists of: They are rap/metal band. Known for their heavy guitar riffs mixed in with screaming vocals.
They have recorded the following albums: RATM are also known for their political views. They support groups like: Amnesty International, FAIR, Rock for Choice, Women alive, and pro freedom groups. They also support Mumia Abu-Jamal and are helping raise funds for his re-trial (accused of murdering a cop, but his initial trial wasn't exactly fair).

The name Rage Against the Machine (aka RATM, Rage) is basicly a description of what the band stands for. Rage -- movement of anger, against the Machine -- The "Machine" represents authority in any form -- not just the government. This also shows, as being Zack an anarchist, and Tom as a communist.

They're also supposed to be one of the best bands to see live. Unfortunatly I haven't had that experience yet.