I managed to do nothing at work today. Absolutely nothing. I mean i was obviously doing things, but nothing work-related.

We had a meeting where the sales people chat with the developers / designers: I made a paper crane. I am in charge of setting up a domain controller for the design team - I said "why can't we just use the existing domain controller we have sitting in the other room that everyone else is using?" - the reply: "Well if you want full control over it, you will have to use your own because we have 'sensitive documents' on that server." ("Sesitive document this" I tought.)

So around 3:30pm we decided to play 30 mins of Counter-Strike to wind down... we ended up playing for the rest of the day.

I think I'll go back to the coffee shop i went to yesterday, it's nice and quiet - maybe I'll meet a girl to talk to. I bought Trainspotting yesterday at the bookstore - I think I'll read that for a while.