(Sort for Fan Fiction) Have you ever met that person who is truly addicted to a show? I mean *truly* addicted. They know every episode by heart, they can recite exact quotes from the show, and they can even name the most obscure of characters and who plays them. Combine that person with a word processcor, erotic fantasies, and too much free time, and you get Fan Fic. Made by people who really don't have a desire to make real friends, Fan Fics are stories consisting of characters in a show, in different situations. People actually write long rambling 10, 15, and 20 page stories involving their cult hero.

There is a cure though. If you ever have the desire to write Fan Fic, their is a simple sure-fire way of solving this.

Step 1: Turn off the Computer

Step 2: Get yourself a life!

and finally

Step 3: Get yourself the hell outside!