This is all true; one thing my esteemed colleague fails to point out is the amazing entertainment value of this show. It's just so much fun to watch. Really. Seems strange, I know -- can you imagine trying to pitch this to a network exec?

"Okay, so we get a bunch of professional appraisers together, organize live shows in various cities, and tell people to bring their old stuff! The appraisers tell them how much it's worth, and we tape it and air it!"

". . ."

"Yeah, you're right, it's no good. Okay, my other idea is. . ."

You get the idea. Improbably, this show is really entertaining. Both the British and American versions are lots of fun, and occasionally there are incredibly valuable articles displayed. It's like watching people win a gameshow, but without the sick puerility involved therein. What a great show.