A city...a really lame city
founded in 1810 in
Southern California. It's population is roughly 180,000. Part of the
San Bernardino County, the largest county in the world!! Yay...
It's claims to fame are these:
- It's starting place of historic Route 66.
- It's the site of the Arrowhead Springs (Arrowhead Springwater).
- It's the home of very first McDonald's.
- It was a place in the 1920's for Hollywoodland stars to "relax" (dry out).
- It's the home of the world famous Patton Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
- You know that whole "Indian Bingo" thing? Yeah, I think we started that...
That's pretty much all you'll need to know, if you plan on visiting here. Oh, except for this: Don't visit here.