in the spirit of node what's in front of you, I present a description of a Ten Dollar Bill from Canada I found in my desk drawer.

The Bill is slightly pinkish in color. The number "10" appear to the left center with the words "Canada", "Bank of Canada", and "Banque Du Cnada" superimposed over it. Elaborate designes in various colors meant to throw of optical reproduction devices tranverse the bill. Some seal (british crown?) is at the top center. A man with sharp features dominates the bill, positioned slightly off-center. The only hint as to his identity is the word "MacDonald". The bill also has the signatures of various government officials.
A Osprey Balbuzard, wings spread, carried a salmon from the surface of a large body of water. In the distant background there are a few scattered islands with douglas fir trees. The word "Canada" appears again, subtle letters painted accross the sky. The number "10" is in the upper left and lower right corners. The Serial number is along the bottom.