A very funny, heavily downloaded short film by Bruce Branit and Jeremy Hunt. Released on June 5, 2000, 405 tells the story of a very unorthodox landing procedure by an American Airlines jet. To say more about the plot would spoil this short.

Branit and Hunt worked for 3 1/2 months on the project after coming home from their day jobs. The special effects were done entirely with off-the-shelf equipment and software. According to the 405 FAQ, the hardware consisted of:

  • Dual Celeron 300 mhz dual processors (overclocked to 450 mhz), 384 MB ram, 24 gig storage, DPS Perception
  • Pentium II 450 mhz processor, 512 MB of ram, 4 gig storage
  • Pentium III 500 mhz processor, 256 MB of ram, 24 gig storage, DPS Perception

The effects are surprisingly good and the story is amusing. Roger Ebert liked it. You will too. Check it out at http://www.405themovie.com.

You can stream it to your QuickTime player, Windows Media Player, or RealPlayer, or you can download it in DivX;-) format.