I strongly recommend checking out the above-referenced articles at Stomped. These are actually not interviews with Grossman, but e-mail reactions to his interview and his responses. As with many activists, he sounds more reasonable in an actual conversation than when behind a microphone.

One significant excerpt:

It bothers me that someone who saw that TV show might conclude that I believe all video games are evil, while actually I think Sid Meyer's[sic] Civilization is one of the greatest works of true literature in recent history, and I would happily submit it for the Pulitzer Prize. That is what is really great about this forum in Stomped, it gives a chance to lay the whole situation out on the table. I will fight with all my heart and will and ability to keep violent games away from kids, but with that said I will happily appear anywhere to defend an adult's right to Quake, or to tell some parent what a great product Civilization is for their kids.

I think we MUST trust adults in a democracy (otherwise give up on the very idea of democracy) while still recognizing our responsibility to protect kids. Kids truly are a protected class.

This is, admittedly, a defensible position. My fear whenever "regulating something for The Children" comes up is that the practical steps taken will necessarily impact my ability as an adult to read, participate in, or play something to which I have every right. Comic book shops have been closed down over offering sexually explicit material even when they were keeping them out of the hands of children! I doubt Lt. Col. Grossman has a great deal of concern over this kind of collateral damage.