A few notes on this speech:

The inscription to which Gore refers, "Not under man but under God and law", does not actually appear in that form on any "great law schools". He used an English translation of the Latin motto inscribed on Langdell Hall, the home of Harvard's law library: "Non sub homine, sed sub deo et lege"(1).

This could well have been a dig at Dubya, who attended Harvard archrival Yale. Al Gore went to Harvard.

Watch the V's, they're the keys: "from Vietnam to the vice presidency" is a dig at Dubya's draft-dodging, and "the victor and the vanquished" is a violent image not well suited to bipartisanship.

For all the conciliatory words in this speech, Gore also said "I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay..." In other words, he regrets that he lost but he doesn't regret anything else.

For all the religious words in this speech, Gore quoted "America the Beautiful" out of context, and in so doing he (probably accidentally) elevated man to the place of God -- he urged us to "crown [America's] good with brotherhood", which in the song is something God is asked to do.

Finally, he said that President-elect Bush "inherits a nation" -- appropriate language indeed, since as sons of privilege (and sons of other things as well), either Gore or Bush would have taken such an inheritance in stride.

(1) http://travel.excite.com/show/?loc=4746