God bless the makers of Bushmills whiskey, without which I might actually be productive at work.

and God knows we wouldn't want that.
Last night was a revelation for me, I need to get laid. What prompted this surge of promiscuous thought? Not sure exactly, but I know that I am lonely, especially at night. Why bother though when every girl I've ever dated ends up cheating on me, usually with a so called "friend" of mine.

Today is payday, one of the two best days of the month, the other being the second payday of the month.

My god son's 4 birthday was the 6th, and I just remebered today. I feel terrible for this, because I quite literally raised him from infancy. He's my little cowboy and I need to go see him this afternoon.
When his mother and I broke up, she all of a sudden decided I am an evil person, and forbids me to see him, however, her parents adore me, and they keep him in the afternoon, so if I ever want to see him, that's how it has to be done. His grandparents tell me that he is still dressing like me, saying everyday that he wants to be cowboy like Tex. This however is a very emotional subject for me, so I'm dropping it now.