Yay, I get to follow such a neat noder into the daylogs!

35 today
is the warmest 35 ever
95 degrees and the Halloween candy is
already a month old

mom is writing her no-good stepson
in jail for tax evasion
never visited after dad died
her letters to me last even less now
I guess they never stop being your children

Unit Two is Poetry: Literary Analysis
oh no say my colleagues,
they could never be able to write a
five paragraph essay...

smoke-free means you stay perpetually busy
filling the hole with something else
walk, run, climb, bike in place,
and if you eat something that has a carb to protein ratio of 4:1 less than 15 minutes after a strenuous workout, well, that food will be converted to pure energy

I know it's going to take years, maybe my whole life, to undo this

when you said I couldn't wait to my claws into the next man,
you weren't that far off

the next steps: a house, some kittens, guitar lessons, a graduate degree...
perhaps we might, then, travel?

Oh dear shit, I cannot think with this man playing his angry music and cursing at his Madden, and I have papers to grade, and I bought us tickets to see Lewis Black tonight, and there is simply too much to do....

What I was trying to say is this: I wonder if life...

  • once you've decided the person you will grow old with
  • once you know you're not leaving an inheritence to a progeny
  • once you admit that, even though you've changed jobs, you have changed much at all

...is really about little projects that inject variety and challenge back into your life. Don't want kids? Get a pet? Tired of upstairs neighbors thumping about at 4am? Buy your own damn place! You're supposed to be a grownup for Christ's sake! Stop wearing all those Threadless t-shirts. Start shopping at L.L.Bean and wearing ergonomic shoes!

I digress. I've love my 30s better than my 20s loved me, so I am sated. The longer I'm around, though, the more I'm finding that there are less and less norms I recognize. There doesn't seem to be a lot of social stigmas anymore; anything is possible, because there's a viral video supporting it, someone Tweeted it, so it must be true, and even though we can't seem to rectify common sense things, we know soon we'll be able to take a trip to the moon, or power everything with wind and water...if the price is right.

Still, I have no real idea where we're going or what's going to happen when we get there. I hope someone brought a map and some cookies.

Thanks for 10 years of bliss, e2. I still have a lot love for you, even as I admit to myself that, shortly after this node posts, it will be outdated.