Given the construct of the human mind, almost all truths can be relative to interpretation. Some of this is due to the fact that most things we believe are often glorified opinions. Even factual, real time occurances can be mistaken in their intent. I am often led to believe that the only truths we know with any reasonable certainty are the ones we are willing to die for, such as our own actions and those beliefs or tenets about a power higher than our own on which we pin the stability of our existance, purpose and meaning.

I only know, with reasonable certainty, what I have done in my own life. I cannot be sure of things my family or friends have done (either to me or to themselves) because my memory is more easily failed upon such recollections. The truths that are to be known about me are seldom things I am proud of, but I am proud to have come out of them with minimal damage. The truths we contain are often our biggest flaws, which are in turn the most important and significant parts of our identity, not the perfections, as we are often led to believe.

The truth is not your friend if you are afraid of being found out for what you truly are. It is never your friend if you want to live continually in fear or do not want people to get too close to you. Or if you want to run for office. The truth can only be your friend when you do not fear it, when you can rise above your worst deeds and not allow them to control you, others' opinions of you, or your life. I don't think they were ever intended for those purposes but have been given over to society's concept of good and evil in view of public opinion over the facts.