Skeet shooting is done in rounds. A skeet field is a semicircle, with the houses at each 'corner' of the semicircle. There are seven stations (usually just marked squares on the ground) placed around the arc, spaced evenly with two under the houses themselves and the rest spread between. The eighth station is placed at the midpoint of the semicircle's straight edge; just beyond it (out perpendicular to the edge) is a stake.

I'd try to diag this in ASCII but it'd be hopeless. Update: Zeolite was kind enough to do it for me! Here goes:

 _______             + = stake            _______
 |_____/             o = clay             \_____|
 |  l |------o                             | l  |
 |  l |                                    | l  |
 |  l |                             o------| l  |
  '''''                '''                 '''''
   '''''               '''                '''''
    '''''              '''               '''''
     '''(2)            '''             (6)'''
      '''''           '''''            '''''
       ''''(3)       '''''''        (5)''''

Anyhow, the house on the left is the high house; the house on the right the low house (facing the stake from the stations). Starting at the leftmost station, each shooter takes four shots; one at a high clay, one at a low clay, and then two at two crossing clays fired simultaneously. The clays (pigeons) will always pass over the stake just outside the eighth station, and are launched at the shooter's cry of Pull!

Each shooter takes a round at this station, passing off the gun if necessary. Then all shooters move to the next station (to the right) and repeat the process. Here the shots required are slightly different due to the different angles to the houses.

Stations 3, 4 and 5 (the center station on the semicircle and those to either side of it) are two-clay stations; that is, only the high clay and low clay shots are taken. There are no crossing clay shots taken. Those resume at station 6.

Generally, beginners to the sport tend to miss behind the pigeon. Unlike pistols or rifles, the muzzle velocity of a shotgun target load is fairly low; ergo, the shooter must lead the target by a varying amount at each station. It is very important to keep the gun swinging; rather than following the pigeon, try to start behind it and swing past it, firing when the requisite lead has been achieved. After firing, make sure to continue the swing; this prevents you from 'jerking' the trigger or spoiling your aim due to stopping your motion and either delaying the shot or pulling the gun off target with the effort.

Skeet shooting is a most fun sport that requires skill and patience, as well as ear protectors and (if it's chilly) a good coat. ;-) Always practice safety first using the following rules:

  • Everyone must stand behind the shooter, using a line perpendicular to their aim, at all times.
  • No guns should ever be loaded except when about to fire, and the shooter should never load the gun outside the marked station.
  • Once on station, the shooter's gun should never swing more than 45 degrees off front until it has been emptied and opened.
  • If a round comes up dud (fails to fire), the shooter should remain on the station in firing position for several seconds in case there is a slow burn; when deemed safe, the shooter should eject the misfired shell and remove it from the range.
  • As with any firearm sport, weapons should never be pointed at a person, no matter what condition they are in. At all times, you should assume that they are dangerous and loaded, unless you have them disassembled.