I really need to stop doing things like I did tonight. I really need to stop questioning so much. See, I have this problem. When I ask a question out loud when I am by myself, I get an answer that speaks inside my head. The answer is usually a very good one, or it is confusing like a riddle might be. Yes, I have voices in my head, send me off to the funny farm. This is why I question the voice so often. Most of the time I think it is a load of crap.

So, I'm driving back from a friends' home and flip the radio station on some station that is doing an "80s night." I forget what they were playing, but I stopped and said out loud, "Okay, Anastasia, prove to me that you are real and that you are who you say. Make the next song they play on this station Wang Chung's Dance Hall Days."

You know better than that.

"You're asking a hell of lot from me, so I want you to prove to me that you have influence here. All you have to do is whisper to the DJ that Dance Hall Days would be a great selection for the next song."

It isn't about tricks. You know that.

"I'm not asking you to do tricks, but you are a voice in my head and I'm not buying you as anything more than my imagination. Give me a sign that I cannot deny. I want to hear Wang Chung."

Haven't you figured out what it is about yet?

"No. What is it all about?"

The next song started. It was George Michael's "Faith."