Another sign that went up in factory canteen where I laze around for minimum wage read as above, "No smoking anywhere on the premises except in the designated smoke shelter". Confusion arose until we discovered what the "designated smoking shelter" actually was. Basically, the genii in our management have decided to import a bus shelter from some hapless bus station somewhere and dump it outside the factory. Smokers go in, and leave their fag-ends in a special wall-mounted bin.

Two amusing things have already come of the designated smoke shelter:
  • Some wag prank called the local bus company and told them that there were a lot of people waiting for a bus and would they care to send one down. A double-decker arrived, and the driver got increasingly angry for half an hour until someone told him it was in fact a "smoke shelter".

  • The discovery that as the shelter is entirely made of metal, it is very susceptible to lightning strikes in thunderstorms. As if the life of the smoker were not already hard enough with heart disease, lung cancer and emphysema, they now also have to contend with 30,000 volts randomly dropping on them should they want to have a puff during an electrical storm.