I'm working on a long short story now (so let's just call it a "story") but at the rate I write, it will probably take me two months or so to finish. In the meantime, I thought I'd post a little part of it. I really ought to change my tone after this one... if I keep going like this, I'm going to turn into Mr. Brightside.


we face each other over the chessboard
she's not very good
not on this board
plus, we are in the dimly lit basement,
where I can barely see her
this works in my favor

I hate these guys, she says
there are eight of them but they are so weak

and the pointy things can never attack where I want
and I can never see where the horses are gonna go

the king is useless
but the queen can do anything, that's what I like

you forgot the rooks, I say
do you like the rooks?

oh, she says, I hate the rooks most of all
they just sit there


if you don't like these other pieces,
we can take them off

so off go the pawns and the knights
and the bishops and the kings

the rooks are flicked violently away
only the queens are left
on their original squares

hers takes mine, the game is over
(I guess)
now what do we do? she asks
in the dimly lit basement