Apparently George W. Bush thought Alberto Gonzales' memory-free performance in front of the Senate was a fine showing. Richard Perle recently told reporters that the reason we have problems in Iraq is because we didn't hand it over to (the nonexistent) Iraqi government right away. You see the problem in Iraq is insufficient democracy. Dick Cheney still insists that we're winning in Iraq and the war is critical in the struggle against al Quaeda. Paul Wolfowitz is leading an anti-corruption campaign at the World Bank. People actually listen to Ann Coulter. The NRA argues it's irresponsible to talk about gun control in the wake of an event where 31 people were murdered by gun.

To my mind this makes no sense at all. I try to adjust my politics to fit this concept known as 'reality'. Granted a whole lot of philosophers and quantum mechanics have demonstrated that reality doesn't actually exist, but I accept Poincare's conjecture that there is a hierachy of facts and the highest is the most general. Theory, ideology and religion are supposed to explain different portions of reality and when they don't intelligent people are supposed to adjust. We all know Donald Rumsfeld is fairly intelligent, but only a low-grade moron would predict that American troops would be leaving Iraq after 60 days.

I think I've figured it out. I read comic books and in comic books it's well known that there are alternate dimensions where Superman is Evil and the Flash wears a hat made from the hubcap of a '59 Merc. Many theories of cosmology say the same thing with other dimensions intersecting ours at weird mathematical angles.

And that explains why 26% of the American people still support George Bush. It explains why some people are more worried about premarital sex than cervical cancer. In that dimension Iraqis aren't shooting each other for belonging to the wrong religion, there's no such thing as global warming, and Alberto Gonzales remembers important policy decisions. Dick Cheney's still in an undisclosed location but the WMD have been found. And tax cuts really are the cure for everything.

Our dimension and theirs has somehow gotten crossed, and bound by the different physics of their dimension today's conservatives simply can't understand our world. You see they're really smart, but they just aren't seeing the same reality we are.