
OK, here's the deal: the university is having a Fuchs Hunt today, so the place will be probably having a lot of high school kids from all around the country... Reno said he'll be here too. I hope I'll meet him.

I still have a flu and that really seems to drag me down...

Now, I need to get going... will node more later today. =)


Yeah, I met Reno. We went to the university's animal museum and I showed him the fox that looked a bit like Mikko (too short legs, see? =) and we compared the sizes of wolves and foxes. =)

Strange, I don't feel annoyed and the flu is only mildly annoying at the moment...


Slashdot headlines: "At Last, Mir to be Ditched" and "Iridium Saved?" Wait wait wait. Tomorrow, I guess, we'll see "Mir Saved (Again)" and "Iridium Deorbiting Has Begun"... =)

...in addition to a few Bush-wins-Gore-wins-Bush-wins headlines and...


Why can't people just decide?

We live in the age of constant uncertainity...


They tagged the last (compulsory) Digital Media excercise "unfinished".

Which MEANS I need to try to make that New Media Majestetic Wonder-Javascript-Nonlogger (that didn't work with Mozilla - or pretty much anything else I tried with it) to work to complete that. Poor me. This isn't going to be pretty.

I'm now really really really ticked off... =(

Other day logs o' mine...