Ok people.. Here it goes..

I work in a meat department of a fairly large grocery Store (Aptly named Super Store). Anyway, today some old guy came up to me after a long day and asked if we had any sales. Now, we USED to have sales on items in the service case, just so we don't have to package them, because frankly, they wouldn't survive the weekend in the cooler. Now, the reason that we don't have these sales any longer is that one night a guy came in fairly late after one of our biggest buyers showed up and cleaned us out, and there wasn't anything left for him to buy, so he complained to the manager (poor baby). So, anyway, I told the guy, "I'm sorry sir, but we're not allowed to do the late-night sales like we used to. Someone complained."

"The Bastards," he responded, then gave me a lecture on how he raised a family of 7 kids on one paycheck and HAS to look for the deals.. yadda yadda yadda. THEN, and here's the best part, he told me that he's going to take his business to another store.

Heh.. alrighty.. Now, I'm an employee. I get paid to do something I really don't want to do. And I do all thise for a measly $7.30 an hour :P I really don't care whether you're pissed off, it's store policy, and *I* can't do anything to change it. Don't complain to me that things aren't going your way! I really don't care.

As for the "I'm going to take my business elsewhere..." Hell, I would too! Here, let my help you out the door! Would you like me to drive you to our competitors?

Now, if you're one of those people who keeps to themselves.. I love you, but if you're one of those annoying people who like to try to make someone feel bad because of something they can't change, please.. Get a life.


jkeak: I'm 17. This isn't a career. :P