Got anything you’ve been meaning to tell that special someone? Ever had something you’d like to say yet can’t, for fear of repercussions? And no, this is not a specific attack on the opposite sex. It is self-control at its best, humans against their own mind; forcing yourself to have the complete opposite reaction to the obvious reaction. Not simply for originalities sake, but for necessity, to remain in a specific situation.

You may already have an application for the opening of this node. I did, my source is a female. At this point you may have no idea what I’m getting at. But I’m always getting at something, so listen to this: the human mind is a complex ocean of fable, imagination and past. There is, to my experience, rarely time for living in the present. If you ask me, the path to enlightenment is simply forgiving yourself, and stop allowing your brain to make comparisons to past events, place, people and ideas.

How often do you imagine a situation and plan it out before you act on it? I do it all the time I must admit. I think to myself, “I’ll say this…” and then I imagine the reaction of a person. This is worse then dwelling on the past, this puts the future in the past before you even reach it. It’s like acting on the future, and when you are eventually in the situation you have imagined and planned, it is never as good or as rewarding as you thought it would be.

If only I could tune myself to live in the now, to forget grievances, hurt and pain, and to get on with living. I claim life sucks most of the time because I don’t know how to forget the past and move on. Should I blame myself for that? Probably. I can go on blaming myself all I want, or I can blame something or someone else.

According to my mother it takes the brain a repetition of 21 times on a specific thought until you absorb it as a habit.

I am a composite of everything I have ever seen and loved. I inherit everything I like.