Who Shot JFK?

There is a seemingly infinite amount of theories as to who killed JFK, ranging from the simple idea that Lee Harvey Oswald hid in the Texas Book Depository and shot him to aliens with ray guns on the Grassy Knoll. The simple reason for all of this is that JFK was like a god. No one could believe that someone as great as the president of the United States could be killed by one crazy man with a gun.

Here you will read evidence that supports what is known as the Single Bullet Theory, the idea that JFK was killed with one bullet, the bullet that was recovered from the leg of Governer John B. Connally.

Motive: At the age of sixteen Lee Harvey Oswald left high school to join the U.S. Marine Corps. Four years later, in 1959, he left the Marines and aquired a six day visa to the Soviet Union. While there, he applied for Soviet citizenship but was rejected. After this crushing blow, Oswald attempted suicide by cutting his wrists and spent a week in the hospital. Upon his release he was allowed to stay in the country indefintely. In January of 1960 Oswald was sent to Minsk and took a job on an assembly line at a TV and radio factory. It was there that he met Marina Prusakova, who he married in April of the same year. Just over two years later, Oswald became unhappy in the Soviet Union and got permission to take his wife and baby daughter back to the United States. The family settled in Fort Worth, Texas and later lived in Dallas and New Orleans. Marina Oswald claimed that on April 10th, 1963, Lee tried to assassinate General Edwin Walker. She asked what happened and he replied that he just tried to shoot General Walker. When Marina was shocked he just said "Well, what would you say if somebody got rid of Hitler at the right time? So if you don't know about General Walker, how can you speak up on his behalf?". In April of 1963, Oswald moved to New Orleans. In May Oswald ordered 1000 copies of a handbill from a local news printers that read "Hands off Cuba! Join the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, New Orleans Charter Member Branch, Free Literature, Lectures, Everyone Welcome!" All of these activities occured due to Oswald's involvement in the American Communist Party. On August 9th, Oswald was involved in a fight with Carlos Bringuier and was arrested. While in prison he was visited by John L. Quigley, an FBI agent. Five days later, he debated the issue of Fidel Castro and Cuba with Bringuier on the Bill Stuckey Radio Show. In September of 1963, Marina moved to Dallas to have her second child. Lee then went to the Cuban embassy in Mexico City where he tried to get permission to go to Cuba. He then tried to get into the Soviet Union again but was denied once more.
Oswald's frequent involvement with Communist countries and activities gave him motive to kill JFK who was strongly anti-Communist and had been having lots of trouble with Fidel Castro. Oswald was also mentally and emotionally troubled which only added to the possibility that he would kill.

Means: Lee Harvey Oswald had access to the place that JFK was shot from, a rifle which was identified as the murder weapon, and the military training to be able to effectively fire the shots in a few seconds and have two of them find their mark. All of these elements combined show that it was quite possible for him to kill JFK.

Witnesses: Many witnesses testified that they had seen Oswald at the Book Depository that day. Charlse Givenes, a fellow employee said that he saw Oswald on the sixth floor at 11:55, just minutes before the killing. Howard Brennan saw him holding a rifle at the sixth floor window. Many others in the crowd below saw the barrel of a rifle protrude out the window that Oswald was seen near. And people on the floor below Oswald heard the bolt-action on his rifle and three spent shells hitting the floor above them. An hour later, officer J.D. Tippet confronted Oswald on the street, and after a brief conversation, Oswald shot Tippet a few times and fled the scene.

Physical Evidence: There is a great amount of physical evidence that points to Lee Harvey Oswald as the assasssin. First off, the murder weapon. Police identified a bolt-action, Mannlicher-Carcano rifle as the gun that killed JFK. After the murder Marina Oswald showed police a picture of Lee holding a bolt-action, Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. The police found out that the rifle that killed Kennedy was purchased by one A. Hiddell. When he was arrested the police found Oswald carrying a forged ID card baring the name Alek Hiddell. The rifle had been shipped from Chicago to P.O. Box 2915, Dallas, Texas. The Post Office box was being rented by Oswald. Oswald's palm print was found on the stock of the rifle and partial fingerprints were lifted from the spent shell casings. That information shows that it was almost definitely Oswald who killed the president, but some people may say that the shots came from a different location. This is impossible, because the trajectory of the two bullets that struck JFK point back to the sixth story window of the Texas Book Depository. The first bullet entered Kennedy's neck through the back at an angle and exited through his throat. This same bullet then struck Governer John B. Connally in the ribs below his right shoulder and exited just below his right nipple, glancing off a rib as it did so. On a new trajectory, the bullet passed through his right wrist and lodged in his thigh. This is the bullet that was found on the governer's stretcher later on that day. Some may say that the near perfect condition of this bullet makes it impossible for it to have passed through two people, but that is untrue. The bullet never traveled through bone, only glanced off them. And the bullet had a full metal jacket which also prevented the bullet from fragmenting. The second bullet struck the back right side of Kennedy's head and exited throught the front right at a downward angle. This was the fatal shot. If you line up the entrance and exit wounds then they will point to where Oswald was spotted.

That is all I have to offer. Enjoy.