Raymond Briggs set this book in that period of time in the early 80's when Mrs. Thatcher and Ronald Regan were at the helms of Britain and the USA, respectively. This was a time when increased tension between the West and Warsaw Pact countries heightened awareness and caused great anxiety within the British population about the threat of nuclear war. In an attempt to allay peoples fears of nuclear bombs, radiation poisoning and the "nuclear winter", the British government published some 'helpful' leaflets advising on how to improve your chance of survival in the case of a nuclear attack. These "top tips" included such pearls of wisdom as whitewashing your window panes, putting a paper bag over your head and sitting under the stairs.

Briggs' tale of an ordinary, middle-aged couple, (Jim and Hilda Bloggs), was quite shocking because it depicted the slow decay of a couple who had complete faith in the idea that they would survive the ravages of the bomb as long as they followed the government's farcical survival tips.