I never get postal mail. I've lived so much of my life online it seems that all the mail or advertisements, even dunning notices all seem to come to me by e-mail. Oh, sure, I'll get the infrequent credit card come on but since I've only ever used one credit card in my life, and only own two of the things, they're infrequent indeed.

So imagine my surprise when a postcard fluttered down from 'tween the pages of my roommate's Maxim magazine. At first, I thought it was one of those annoying subscription cards. This card, however, was addressed to Big Ole WolfDaddy, and it had witty handwritten greets from several of my fellow and favorite noders.

Possessed by both Sally Field and The Flying Nun, I flew into the house, shouting "They like me, they really like me!" Since none of my roommates really understand my status as an e2 addict, I got a lot of wan smiles and the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head.

Pooh on them. That postcard made my day. My week, my frickin' month! So, to show my gratitude towards the e2 community as well as those awesome noders who sent me the card, I present to you a mix'n'match game. If you're the first person who can correctly match up each pithy saying with the noder who wrote it, you will get a prize. Another prize will be given to one who can suss out the identity of the Very Special Anonymous Guest Star (who was apparently so blitzed that they couldn't remember their name ;-) Noders who actually sent me the card are disqualified from playing, though it might be interesting to hear your guesses ... to see what you remember of that night. You'll just have to settle for knowing that I love you all with an intensity that would be a little frightening if we actually lived on the same side of the country.

/msg me with your guesses ... and take it away, Skip:

1. Let's get drunk and be sexy together.          |   A. thefez
   You supply the booze.  I'll get the tree.      |   B. WickerNipple
2. WOULD YOU LIGHT MY CANDLE!?                    |   C. Yossarian
3. WickerNipple sayz I like you! -- You're        |   D. stand/alone/bitch
   in the club.                                   |
4. Is this thing on?                              |   E. Very Special Anonymous Guest Star
   TOUCH MY STUFF                                 |

And now ... we present the NO ONE WINS THE PRIZE BECAUSE NO ONE FIGURED IT ALL OUT AFTER 8 MONTHS answer sexxxxxtion!

1B2D3A4C5E -- and the guest star was SweetPea. There you have it! G'night Gracie!