Working at a helpdesk can be either a rewarding experience or a drudgery of the worst kind. Sometimes you're in a good department, other times everybody's generally feeling pretty shitty. Both sides of the spectrum are frequently parodied or in some other way turned into generally dry humor, as in the show The IT crowd. There are a number of webcomics that also make reference to the general workings of a helpdesk, including the one by that very name as mentioned in the above writeup by Dregan.

Working at a helpdesk isn't unlike working at any other given job where you're asked questions, asked to fix something, or asked to work on something. Once you have a knack for it everyone else's problems seem entirely boring and not worth your time, hence the stereotype of the bored/impatient IT employee. Admittedly I sometimes fall into this category as well, and have more than once thought "that was easy, why are they wasting my time with this?". I then remember the median age of the company I work at is double my age, so the ratio of tech savvy/tech challenged users is severely imbalanced toward the less knowledgeable end of the spectrum. In any case I generally give a sigh, talk them through the solution (or work through it using a remote access client), close my ticket, and find something else to do, like read everything2 or play nethack. Some days here get so mind-numbingly boring that I wind up pulling my smartphone from my pocket and just watching youtube or listen to internet radio.