After just reading gay flirt by Randofu, I can say that I am going through an experience that is just the opposite of what he is going through. I am straight, and until recently, this was something I never even questioned. My interest and knowledge about the gay/lesbian community changed dramatically about a year ago when my brother came out to me and told me he was gay. Unlike many people who found out, I was very accepting of my brother and I helped him through coming out of the closet to everyone he cared about. I also became very involved in seeing what it was like to be gay, and I found myself interacting with many gays and lesbians following my brother's coming out.

Despite this, I was still very certain of my sexuality until I met a gay guy who was recently hired at my job. I became friends with him, and eventually it became clear to me that he was interested in me, despite his knowing that I am straight. Eventually, things got out of hand. I was at his house with a few other coworkers, and I was alone with him for a few moments and he tried to kiss me. When he saw that I did not want to kiss him and that I was a bit shocked, he tried to apologize to me. At that moment I really did not know what to say, and shortly after the attempted kiss I left unexpectedly.

As I sped home, different thoughts raced through my head. I didn't want him to think I was angry at him, but I also did not want him to think I was gay or bisexual. Also, I took a look at myself. Why did I let him even get that close to me? The possibility of being gay was considered; to be honest I really wasn't sure in those first few moments, but in retrospect this experience has only strengthened my certainty that I am straight. In the following days after this experience, I apologized to my friend for taking off and he apologized for trying to go after me. Still, even though everything is resolved, I often wonder if people who don't know me think that I am gay. Have I been attracting the wrong sex all this time?