A great movie! I've always liked Steve Martin and this is one of the great early works of his. Right along the same lines as The Jerk. Some very off the wall humor and nonsensical scenes. This movie is an 80s comedy classic.
    Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: You! You're the elevator killer! Merv Griffin!
    Merv Griffin: Yeah.
    Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: Why?
    Merv Griffin: I don't know. I've always just loved to kill. I really enjoyed it. But then I got famous, and - it's just too hard for me. And so many witnesses. I mean, *everybody* recognized me. I couldn't even work anymore. I'd hear, "Who's that lurking over there? Isn't that Merv Griffin?" So I came to Europe to kill. And it's really worked out very well for me.
The voice of Ann Uumellmahaye was Sissy Spacek.
    I'm making a citizen's annulment. Ipso facto coitus interruptus.

    I don't know if I was interested so much in the science as I was in the slime that goes along with it. Snakes and frogs. When I saw how slimy the human brain was, I knew that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Pointy Birds by John Lillison, England's greatest one-armed poet
    O pointy birds,
    o pointy pointy,
    anoint my head,