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This is the most subtle and powerful among Krzysztof Kieslowski's Dekalog. The despair and absurdity of the human condition is addressed here (probably I am reading too much into it, but I guess I am allowed to do that). The 57 minute movie deals with a variety of topics, but most of them can be grouped under two - love and death

The movie revolves around the terminally ill husband - Andrzej (of course, the perspective depends on the audience; For some it might be the doctor; for others, it might be the wife - Dorota) whose prognosis is poor. Dorota insists upon a 'verdict' from the doctor regarding her husband's life. She is pregnant with her lover's (not the husband) baby and it is probably her last chance to bear a child. She loves both of them. If her husband is sure to die, she wil keep the baby and if he lives, she will perform an abortion. When the story is being told, she is in the last stages where she can safely abort the child. Dorota finds her husband providing tranquility and support whereas the lover is a very special person to her. She asks the doctor  "Do you know that it is possible to love two people at the same time?" The doctor played by Aleksander Bardini is one of the most restrained, yet moving characters in Kieslowski's body of work. He has his own fair share of life's misery, as is evident from his indifferent and sometimes close-to-rude responses to Dorota's queries in the initial stages of the movie.                       

Dorota's persistence results in the doctor giving his verdict -  Andrzej's death is assured and asks her to keep the baby. This is soon followed by the most beautiful shots of the movie. Andrzej is peacefully lying on the bed and he opens his eyes and looks towards the table beside him. A glass with a spoon is lying on the table; it contains the fruit pickle which Dorota got for him, and a bee struggles to remain afloat. It manages to hold on to the spoon, and then climbs upward and finally starts moving across the rim of the glass. Andrzej is soon shown to be thanking the doctor. He has not only recovered from his illness, but his wife is going to have a baby. At some level, one is reminded of O. Henry's short story "The Last Leaf".

Kieslowski articulates his view of a private God when the doctor answers to one of Dorota's questions. Apparently, he considers religion to be a personal affair, something which address one of man's basic needs - those concerning spirituality. Having lived his life in Eastern Europe during the rise (and fall) of Communism, it turned out (or so I believe) that he had to raise the concerns of the spiritual needs of the people. Certain Christian websites cite Dekalog as one of the best movies 'championing' their cause. This is as reasonable as believing that Adam lived for 930 years (Genesis - 5.5), especially when Dorota has conceived, by committing adultery.  Having faith is necessary, but faith for the sake of faith is the biggest folly that anyone can commit. The despair embedded in human condition does not necessarily mean suicide as a solution. Similarly, being skeptical about science does not necessarily mean belief in God, leave alone a crowdsourced God. In each of the episodes of Dekalog, the director walks the thin line between faith and skepticism leaving it to the audience to choose what he or she wants to take from it. 

For the director, the second commandment is a sharp retort to those who bring God into anything and everything under discussion. One can also visualize the doctor to be comparable to God, as he is forced to pass a verdict on the patient. Also, he says during the course of a conversation, " I don't remember all my patients."